Old, cliched, and dated we scrapped the old branding in favour of a fresh, exciting new look that would set Adam Church apart from the competition. With fun, friendly and bold illustrations, everything falls back on the building blocks of the firm’s services with a hint to Bristol’s famous Clifton Suspension Bridge.
We designed a striking new WordPress theme, building on the foundations of the new brand we created. Rather than relying heavily on photography, we ran with the illustrations throughout the website to bring the services alive.
Bold colours, playful illustrations and subtle animations bring the Adam Church brand alive. The firm now has a bespoke WordPress theme that will help promote its services, attracting new clients from the competition from across Bristol and beyond.
“Brilliant! Super enthusiastic and creative. Totally nailed it.”
The new website contains all of the information about the firm, who they are and what they do, helping them to raise the roof on property management in and around the South West of England.